Jeanne Boden
Cultural Memory, Bucuresti 1989, 2020
Oil on linen
50 cm x 60 cm
Signed and dated
On Christmas day 1989 Ceausescu was shot dead. The images I painted are inspired by television broadcasts at the tipping point of power. Ceausescu's son Nicu is staged in the...
On Christmas day 1989 Ceausescu was shot dead.
The images I painted are inspired by television broadcasts at the tipping point of power. Ceausescu's son Nicu is staged in the studio: "We shall treat him as a prisoner." A call is made to save the television station because "it is vital for democracy". In between explosions in the streets people shout: "Ceausescu won't live to see the New Year!" They were right.
On Christmas day 1989, actor Florin Piersic and other artists shed tears of emotion at the dead of the dictator.