“Glory to Hong Kong” “願榮光歸香港” is a song composed and written during the 2019-2020 protests in Hong Kong. It was used as an anthem of the protests, some considering it a "national anthem" of Hong Kong. The original in Cantonese was adapted in many different languages. These two images are from the orchestral version performed by people wearing gas masks to hide their faces from face recognition cameras. This was before the Covid-19 crisis. The beauty and spirit of the song mirrors dark dispair and pain. 


By the end of 2021, all democratic voices have been removed in Hong Kong, credible media outlets have been silenced, reference to the Tiananmen crackdown on June Fourth 1989 have been removed, countless people have been put in jail.

In 2024 Hong Kong's government declared the protest song illegal under the city's national security law.

Silencing, censorship, misinformation is a tool of dictatorship. Voices may be silenced; minds cannot be controled.